Now at the peak of popularity, a new trend for Belarus and Russia is unusual sets of useful gelatins (chewing marmalade) in the form of gift sets of sweets, but in the set of chewing marmalade there are candies of deep black color that immediately attract attention not only by color, but also by a specific aroma.
Manufacturers of perfumes and perfumed waters even add this unusual licorice extract, which brings a cold spicy-sweet, "glossy" contrast to all types of compositions. With this fragrance, you will definitely be noticeable and unusual, because we all want individuality in style.
As practice shows and the conducted research on sales of licorice (licorice candies) of our online sweets store, it is preferred by knowledge workers, IT industry workers, mathematicians and people of various intellectual professions, as well as those people who care about their health and try to consume products that benefit the body.

However, remember that everything is purely individual and you have two ways: either you will fall in love with licorice candies or you will try to fall in love with them again and again, because this is a very reasonable benefit for the body. From personal :) I myself have tried to love sushi (rolls) for 9 years, making annual attempts and watching how everyone around likes it and realizing that properly cooked rolls are very tasty, healthy, satisfying as a snack, I did not give up hopes of at least eating more than one piece. But my body took them later, maybe even at that time I was not ready and the body did not demand it, as they like to say. I am also convinced that the body intuitively wants something over time and I am sure that you have come across the fact that "I want something delicious, but I don't know what", so for myself I realized that this body wants something that it has never tasted, namely emotions or some new dessert. So why not try licorice (liquorice marmalade) and suddenly it's what your body wants. Moreover, it happens in completely different cooking options, with different flavors, shapes, colors, and there are even such sweets with licorice and iris, where a peculiar taste and aroma is not felt, but a different flavor and taste is felt, which will allow children to fall in love with useful sweetness. There are more than 92 types of chewing marmalade with licorice:)

Interesting fact: in the UK, licorice is preferred sweet, in Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands it is usually eaten salty (salmiakki. fin. salmiakki, Swedish. Saltlakrits). About who is the ancestor of licorice sweets, there are disputes just between Netherlands, Great Britain and Finland.
The Finnish meter liquorice is the most recognizable and popular variant of the presentation of liquorice rolls with or without filling, which are usually presented at fairs. Pads of different shapes and sizes are cut off from a long liquorice stick of marmalade and packed into bags for customers right on the spot for presentation and event in the circle of this sweetness. Of course, the more unusual the presentation, the more sweetness gets into the soul and it is already tastier.

Drop is a Danish word for hundreds of variants of licorice sweets, which are produced in various sizes and shapes. Their use is practically a national trait.
And now let's remember a familiar word that was used and used as a preventive measure in the USSR for sure and is used in every family now. Remembering my childhood, I loved this sweet syrup. So the main ingredient is!
Licorice, also known as licorice, is a herbaceous plant native to South Asia. The fact that Licorice has a sweet root was probably found out more than 500 thousand years ago, but the popular name was given in the vastness of Greece. In Greek, this is called the funny word "glyukuritsa". Glucus means "sweet" and the word glucose comes from the same. In the process of evolution, a couple of letters got lost and just licorice remained.
The way of eating sweet root has also evolved. In the era of the Pharaohs, drinks were made from it, at the same time medicinal properties were discovered. In this regard, this useful sweetness will become a prevention for you and your children during colds, and maybe it will become your favorite sweet.

And yes, great news, this sweetness can be bought in our assortment in the online store of sweets and chewing marmalade. We also remind you that if you are looking for a certain type of dessert, sweets, drinks, chocolate, chewing marmalade or a delicious gift, then you can write to us +375-44-575-99-01 , because the store's assortment is expanding and being supplemented constantly, perhaps what you dreamed of we have not yet published on the site and you will become the happy owner of this sweet yummy right now.